Sunday, February 13, 2011


If you  have had a baby, I am sure you have heard this word, if not...well it is an exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor. Basically, it helps you not to pee when you sneeze.

Most things this pregnancy have been similar to my other pregnancies but sneeze pee's have gotten worse! I hate for a sneeze to sneak up and then I have to go upstairs and change. Crossing my legs doesn't even seem to help anymore, bah! This most mean I need do my Kegel exercises everyday, not just when I have a sneeze attack, did I mention that I have never sneezed less than 3 times in row, making this problem even more exciting!

I would love to know if any of you women out there actually did the Kegels 3 times a day and had success. Maybe I am just lazy or it isn't a high enough priority for me to do them every day but I just might. Everything seems to be looser and lower this time around. Happy 4th pregnancy!


  1. the problem is remembering to do them!

  2. This is too funny and made me laugh that you posted something about kegels! I have had to do them because postpartum things have not gone back to normal down there and apparently it helps strengthen everything back in place. It is difficult to remember to do them though when having to take care of all your kids! I can't believe you are having a 4th! So excited for you guys having a boy! Sad I missed your shower today... :(
