Tuesday, February 8, 2011

0-19 Weeks, In a Nutshell

October was the month I found out I was pregnant for the 4th time. It was planned so it wasn't a surprise, but it was still really exciting to have a test be positive. I plan to write everyday about my last half of my pregnancy, to share tips, struggles, and laughter about having a baby while you have other children to take care of.

The first 19 weeks were pretty usual. I didn't show quite as soon as I thought I would with my 4th, but I did workout with Jillian Michaels after I had my 3rd :). My sinuses acted up a lot. Living in Colorado this can be typical with the crazy weather changes, but I seem to get it a lot. A few other things...

- Flu twice in the first 9 weeks
- Crazy headaches
- No energy/really tired
- Pretty sick and nauseus
- Absolutely no motivation

About Week 11, I started to realize that I was having an allergic reaction to something. I was having a hard time breathing and after a few days of thinking about it, I realized that potatoes were the problem. This actually solved my sickness problem too. Really tired seemed to be my only symptom left. After a few days I still had a little trouble breathing so I cut out all sugar, even fruits. It was like I was brand new, in fact, I didn't even feel pregnant anymore. This feeling would have made me nervous but we had an ultrasound to see the heartbeat and the doctor got really wide eyed and said she might have seen two babies. How funny would this have been! By the end of the exam she was pretty sure there was only one but we won't be sure until our 20 week ultrasound.

How are my other 3 kids reacting to the news....good. My oldest (6.5 year old) thinks it is totally normal to have mommy pregnant. She is hoping for a boy though, because she doesn't want daddy to be the only boy.  The second (almost 4) loves the idea and at first wanted another girl, but she has changed her mind to wanting a boy. The youngest (almost 2) says baby, but really has no idea what is about to happen. She has always been a really momma's girl and might have a hard transition, probably the hardest. We will just hope that she decides that daddy is really cool.

Mommy and Daddy are really excited. I still get a little surprised that I am pregnant again and when my other kids start being really crazy, I think, there is NO WAY I can handle 4. It is completely possible, my grandmas each raised 4 or more, I just will need to pray daily and remember to leave a legacy of people are more important than things and laughter to my girls. Having them remember their mom as a stressed out yeller is not what I want at all.

There won't be much wisdom in this blog but there will be honesty and lots of new things I am learning having my 4th and all.


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