Friday, March 11, 2011


I have been so blessed to have at least one shower for every baby (one of them only had 3 couples total at it...hehe). Each shower has made me really excited in a different way.

1. Malena's showers...we had 2 before and 2 after she was born (all at different locations with different crews). These were so exciting because it was new, cute clothes and lots new "equipment". People were so great sharing their horror birth stories and scaring me with how little sleep I would get, etc.

2. Norah's shower...we didn't have a shower until after Norah was born and it was in our new location of Colorado. This shower was really fun because it was 3 months after we got here and several women, who I didn't know very well, came. It was really great to have people surround me when I was so far away from family and having a baby.

3. Leona's shower...only 3 couples were there :). It was sweet though to have someone open their house and want to honor us and the new baby girl we would be bringing home.

4. Baby Boy's showers...I was so blessed by a couple at our church this past week. They wanted to host a shower for us since we were having a boy. She said, "sure you have all the equipment but what about all the cute boy stuff you need!?!" The women in my bible study are also doing a small shower for me. We are so excited to have this little long-legged guy and to have people willing to come along side of us and help us get ready for him makes me so excited.

Speaking as someone who has been blessed so many times, I would encourage you if you can to bless someone by having a shower for an expecting mother. It speaks right to her heart and is a real blessing. Thank you to all who have hosted and came to my showers, what a blessing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


A few random thoughts on noses...

1. Dan always talks about the noses of our children :) He wants them to have a nose like me and not him. He even goes so far as to study the ultrasound to make sure they have a button nose. I don't think his nose is that was broken once, so it is a little wonky, but cute. He looked at this baby's nose almost is almost as important to him as if it is a boy or girl ;)

2. I am pretty sure I heard in biology class once that your nose and ears never stop growing (as proven by old men). Being pregnant makes your nose grow to, I think! Not that I have a small nose, but I am sure that it is bigger during pregnancy. Why would my nose grow during pregnancy?? If I don't feel large enough already, just make my nose grow please!

3. Lastly, since I have been sick, this has been on my mind...where in the world does all the snot come from when you are sick?? When we learn about anatomy, they never talk about the snot corner of your head where it is stored. This get's so true with babies too. They even give you that big bulb thing to pull all the snot out! By the way, if you didn't know, don't save them from baby to baby...can you ever really get all that snot out of them...ewe!

Do you have nose issues??? Please share!