Monday, February 21, 2011


Sorry for the short hiatus! I have been extremely sick (it has been a week now with no voice) and all three girls have ear infections. I promise to get back on the wagon and write again. For now...a NAP!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I thought it would be interesting to list some things about this pregnancy that are different. I would love it if you would weigh in on if you think that is a 4th pregnancy thing or if it is the difference between carrying and boy and girl. Here we go...

- Less morning sickness than previously
- Still tired at 21 weeks
- My hair is growing slowly
- I am carrying really low
- 5th time being sick just this pregnancy
- Addicted to Hallmark movies
- Not in a hurry to give birth
- More motivated to workout
- Actually watching American Idol for the first time
- Allergies to new foods
- More people I know pregnant at the same time

I'm sure that there are more that will come to mind but for now here is my short list. I would love to hear anyone else's stories :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

20ish Week Ultrasound

Apparently my 1 (not 2) child has really long legs :) The tech said, "I wonder where that comes from?!?!" Dan quickly said, "Well it must be from her because my side has the brains." He is too funny!

Life is about to get real interesting though, we are having our first BOY!!! Holy Cow! What will we do?? I told Dan that I was really excited to start to shop on a different side of the store. This will also be my parent's first grandson.

I have a LOT of reading to do, this is really new territory for me. This blog will take a really fun turn to life with 3 girls, being pregnant, and getting ready for a boy. So fun!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


If you  have had a baby, I am sure you have heard this word, if not...well it is an exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor. Basically, it helps you not to pee when you sneeze.

Most things this pregnancy have been similar to my other pregnancies but sneeze pee's have gotten worse! I hate for a sneeze to sneak up and then I have to go upstairs and change. Crossing my legs doesn't even seem to help anymore, bah! This most mean I need do my Kegel exercises everyday, not just when I have a sneeze attack, did I mention that I have never sneezed less than 3 times in row, making this problem even more exciting!

I would love to know if any of you women out there actually did the Kegels 3 times a day and had success. Maybe I am just lazy or it isn't a high enough priority for me to do them every day but I just might. Everything seems to be looser and lower this time around. Happy 4th pregnancy!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


A normal person dreams fairly often but they don't usually remember them and they don't keep them up nightly. Then there are pregnant women. I read that dreams would be better remembered and you would have more of them...I take this to a new level. While pregnant, I have to be careful what I watch, things I talk about before bed, and books I read. My dreams are really vibrant and they keep me up most all of the night. So, for your enjoyment and my downloading, I will be posting dreams randomly so you can see how crazy some of them really are :)

Last night...
My oldest and I went to my ultrasound. The office was kind of busy so the tech told Malena to go ahead and start to scan my belly. She saw one baby and got really excited. Then she moved the wand to the other side of my belly and saw another baby...thus twins! YIKES!! After this I told the tech we didn't want to know the gender in the office but we wanted her to write it down. She smiled, wrote it down and then told us we were done. I got mad because they didn't measure the baby (there was only one by this point in the dream) , check the heart, or measure the fluid. *Can you tell I have had an ultrasound or two* That is about all the details I can remember but the dream kept repeating from different points the rest of the night...uugh!

So, still no feeling on gender or if I am having twins. I really think that there is only one but for boy or girl, no idea! Can't wait till Tuesday...then my dreams can move on :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Before I was married, I worked for Aramark and had a wonderful boss. She had worked really hard on her career and had moved up in the company so her and her husband had decided to hold off on having a  baby for awhile. One day, we were talking about one of our coworkers getting pregnant and my boss's face turned sour. I asked her what that look was for and this was her explanation of being pregnant...

When you are pregnant, it is like you have an alien in your body eating all your food and taking all your energy. Then that alien starts to move...creepy! Can you imagine something moving inside of you without you controlling it?

This made me laugh so hard! I didn't have any experience being pregnant but I had never heard anyone describe it like that. Now that I have a little more experience...I still wouldn't describe it quite like that. The baby has started to move this time and I have been trying to figure out how to describe the feeling to others. Right now it is like a cat's tail rubbing your leg in your belly or a light poke. This will be changing soon as the baby gets stronger and bigger but for now it is really a fun feeling. I can't wait until Dan can feel the kicks and nudges on a more regular basis.

Well, here's to 20 more weeks of an alien living inside of me!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Here We Go

Well, my 20 weeks officially started today. Something about hitting 20 weeks seems so monumental that I was sure that the books I have read have something exciting in them...I was wrong. It is just another week to them but it is standing on the top of a large mountain about to head down again for me. I realize things will get harder as I get larger and I will become mentally ready to get this baby OUT, but today I am optimistic. We have our ultrasound in less than a week and a fun date planned where my sweet husband will tell me what to expect...sell all the pink or just get it out and organize. Not to mention we will for sure find out if our family will be an odd or and even number (6 or 7). As fun as it would be to have twins, I realistically just want one little baby. Boy or girl doesn't really matter. It would be so nice to unload all the boxes of pink that I have though!

I am so glad for those of you who are reading and living this journey with me. I have always felt a little alone in my pregnancies so it is exciting to know that others are joining me and will dialogue with me. Please feel free to ask questions or post comments about something you would like me to talk about...yes, I will share most all of my recipes :) I do want to mention that 2 other women at the church I work at are pregnant with their 4th children. It makes me feel even less alone and crazy...except that ours was the only planned one...we won't dwell on that though :)

Here is to the downhill adventure and looking forward to the awesome eggs and oatmeal at the hospital, mmm.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

0-19 Weeks, In a Nutshell

October was the month I found out I was pregnant for the 4th time. It was planned so it wasn't a surprise, but it was still really exciting to have a test be positive. I plan to write everyday about my last half of my pregnancy, to share tips, struggles, and laughter about having a baby while you have other children to take care of.

The first 19 weeks were pretty usual. I didn't show quite as soon as I thought I would with my 4th, but I did workout with Jillian Michaels after I had my 3rd :). My sinuses acted up a lot. Living in Colorado this can be typical with the crazy weather changes, but I seem to get it a lot. A few other things...

- Flu twice in the first 9 weeks
- Crazy headaches
- No energy/really tired
- Pretty sick and nauseus
- Absolutely no motivation

About Week 11, I started to realize that I was having an allergic reaction to something. I was having a hard time breathing and after a few days of thinking about it, I realized that potatoes were the problem. This actually solved my sickness problem too. Really tired seemed to be my only symptom left. After a few days I still had a little trouble breathing so I cut out all sugar, even fruits. It was like I was brand new, in fact, I didn't even feel pregnant anymore. This feeling would have made me nervous but we had an ultrasound to see the heartbeat and the doctor got really wide eyed and said she might have seen two babies. How funny would this have been! By the end of the exam she was pretty sure there was only one but we won't be sure until our 20 week ultrasound.

How are my other 3 kids reacting to the news....good. My oldest (6.5 year old) thinks it is totally normal to have mommy pregnant. She is hoping for a boy though, because she doesn't want daddy to be the only boy.  The second (almost 4) loves the idea and at first wanted another girl, but she has changed her mind to wanting a boy. The youngest (almost 2) says baby, but really has no idea what is about to happen. She has always been a really momma's girl and might have a hard transition, probably the hardest. We will just hope that she decides that daddy is really cool.

Mommy and Daddy are really excited. I still get a little surprised that I am pregnant again and when my other kids start being really crazy, I think, there is NO WAY I can handle 4. It is completely possible, my grandmas each raised 4 or more, I just will need to pray daily and remember to leave a legacy of people are more important than things and laughter to my girls. Having them remember their mom as a stressed out yeller is not what I want at all.

There won't be much wisdom in this blog but there will be honesty and lots of new things I am learning having my 4th and all.
