Friday, April 8, 2011

Cry Before

So yesterday I woke up as usual to little girls knocking on my door and another one banging on her own door saying, "poopy, poopy". Nothing too bad but all of a sudden I rushed back into my room and burst into tears.

What on earth is an organized introvert woman doing having a fourth child!

We had talked about this before we got pregnant, but I guess in my mind, I was always imagining the kids when they were older and most of the toys were gone. The reality of having 3 kids at home next year making messes all over the house and all kids screaming at each other made me start to get really nervous. I lost it for a moment and as I started to come back together I looked at Dan and said, "well, I guess it is better to cry before the little man gets here."

Dan and I talked about it and I am really struggling with how to balance time with all of them in this really important time in their lives. Thankfully and unfortunately, we have very passionate and different children who need lots of attention to who they are. I realize that I can't always have time to teach and love on each of them individually and I will have to do some of it in a group type setting but I don't know how to do that. I want so much for each of my kids to succeed and I am really starting to get nervous that I can't help them achieve that.

This leads me straight back to what I know, God knows best and He will give me what I need to help each child grow to who they should be. I also am very aware with hard headed children that they will end up making their own choices and I just need to pray that they will be wise and that mentors who love God will come into their lives to help them make decisions.

One last thought, pray that my untouchy self will be ready to hold and be touched a ton by the little man when he comes.

Friday, March 11, 2011


I have been so blessed to have at least one shower for every baby (one of them only had 3 couples total at it...hehe). Each shower has made me really excited in a different way.

1. Malena's showers...we had 2 before and 2 after she was born (all at different locations with different crews). These were so exciting because it was new, cute clothes and lots new "equipment". People were so great sharing their horror birth stories and scaring me with how little sleep I would get, etc.

2. Norah's shower...we didn't have a shower until after Norah was born and it was in our new location of Colorado. This shower was really fun because it was 3 months after we got here and several women, who I didn't know very well, came. It was really great to have people surround me when I was so far away from family and having a baby.

3. Leona's shower...only 3 couples were there :). It was sweet though to have someone open their house and want to honor us and the new baby girl we would be bringing home.

4. Baby Boy's showers...I was so blessed by a couple at our church this past week. They wanted to host a shower for us since we were having a boy. She said, "sure you have all the equipment but what about all the cute boy stuff you need!?!" The women in my bible study are also doing a small shower for me. We are so excited to have this little long-legged guy and to have people willing to come along side of us and help us get ready for him makes me so excited.

Speaking as someone who has been blessed so many times, I would encourage you if you can to bless someone by having a shower for an expecting mother. It speaks right to her heart and is a real blessing. Thank you to all who have hosted and came to my showers, what a blessing!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


A few random thoughts on noses...

1. Dan always talks about the noses of our children :) He wants them to have a nose like me and not him. He even goes so far as to study the ultrasound to make sure they have a button nose. I don't think his nose is that was broken once, so it is a little wonky, but cute. He looked at this baby's nose almost is almost as important to him as if it is a boy or girl ;)

2. I am pretty sure I heard in biology class once that your nose and ears never stop growing (as proven by old men). Being pregnant makes your nose grow to, I think! Not that I have a small nose, but I am sure that it is bigger during pregnancy. Why would my nose grow during pregnancy?? If I don't feel large enough already, just make my nose grow please!

3. Lastly, since I have been sick, this has been on my mind...where in the world does all the snot come from when you are sick?? When we learn about anatomy, they never talk about the snot corner of your head where it is stored. This get's so true with babies too. They even give you that big bulb thing to pull all the snot out! By the way, if you didn't know, don't save them from baby to baby...can you ever really get all that snot out of them...ewe!

Do you have nose issues??? Please share!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Sorry for the short hiatus! I have been extremely sick (it has been a week now with no voice) and all three girls have ear infections. I promise to get back on the wagon and write again. For now...a NAP!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I thought it would be interesting to list some things about this pregnancy that are different. I would love it if you would weigh in on if you think that is a 4th pregnancy thing or if it is the difference between carrying and boy and girl. Here we go...

- Less morning sickness than previously
- Still tired at 21 weeks
- My hair is growing slowly
- I am carrying really low
- 5th time being sick just this pregnancy
- Addicted to Hallmark movies
- Not in a hurry to give birth
- More motivated to workout
- Actually watching American Idol for the first time
- Allergies to new foods
- More people I know pregnant at the same time

I'm sure that there are more that will come to mind but for now here is my short list. I would love to hear anyone else's stories :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

20ish Week Ultrasound

Apparently my 1 (not 2) child has really long legs :) The tech said, "I wonder where that comes from?!?!" Dan quickly said, "Well it must be from her because my side has the brains." He is too funny!

Life is about to get real interesting though, we are having our first BOY!!! Holy Cow! What will we do?? I told Dan that I was really excited to start to shop on a different side of the store. This will also be my parent's first grandson.

I have a LOT of reading to do, this is really new territory for me. This blog will take a really fun turn to life with 3 girls, being pregnant, and getting ready for a boy. So fun!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


If you  have had a baby, I am sure you have heard this word, if not...well it is an exercise to strengthen your pelvic floor. Basically, it helps you not to pee when you sneeze.

Most things this pregnancy have been similar to my other pregnancies but sneeze pee's have gotten worse! I hate for a sneeze to sneak up and then I have to go upstairs and change. Crossing my legs doesn't even seem to help anymore, bah! This most mean I need do my Kegel exercises everyday, not just when I have a sneeze attack, did I mention that I have never sneezed less than 3 times in row, making this problem even more exciting!

I would love to know if any of you women out there actually did the Kegels 3 times a day and had success. Maybe I am just lazy or it isn't a high enough priority for me to do them every day but I just might. Everything seems to be looser and lower this time around. Happy 4th pregnancy!